Innovative Ambient Campaign
Zee Cinema ‘Welcome Back’ Premiere


Zee Cinema wanted to promote it’s World Premiere of the gangster comedy movie “Welcome Back”.

The focus was on innovative ambient channels to drive maximum visibility and ensure high recall.


We planted ‘gangster’s henchmen’, holding branded placards, at airport arrivals, to greet arriving passengers.

Cutouts of the cast were placed at prominent locations in the city, flanked by live bodyguards.

People could use various ‘gangster props’ provided and get a picture clicked or click a selfie.

A branded limousine toured the city, as if the gangsters are on the prowl, getting curious stares and driving the message across.

Strategic branding at toll gates ensured further audience coverage.


Over 12000 people witnessed the airport innovation.

More than 3000 people directly participated at the outdoor selfie installations while a further 80000 witnessed them.

The limousine got maximum visibility at an estimated 7 lakh people across the city.

The toll gate branding was seen by approximately 60000 people.

The campaign escalated the awareness and anticipation for the TV premiere.